Friday, September 11, 2009

Charlie: The New Bobble Head Attitude

Charlie’s new haircut has gone straight to his head. He has been misbehaving and running around like a maniac ever since that fateful day! I am pretty sure he is running around thinking, “Wohoo! I am naked! Look at me!” Although, my sister-in-law pointed out that he is probably just getting back at us for getting him such a bad haircut! Hmmm…there may be some truth to that. Either way we have had to retrain Charlie because along with losing ALL of his fur he seems to have lost his obedience too. This week, Ron and I have been focusing on getting him not to jump on the furniture since we are (finally) getting a brand NEW sectional Saturday! So I am keeping my fingers crossed that the sectional doesn’t have paw prints all over it by Sunday!

What attitude?