Saturday, September 19, 2009

Purely Random Thoughts: Spazziness

Here are some random Jakki thoughts for your Saturday morning

So I have been extra spazzy lately. I have burned myself twice on the oven rack this week (something I have never done before). I nicked myself with the knife the other day; Although I managed to get through 5 years of architecture school without cutting myself once! I also have been walking into everything lately…you should see the bruises on my legs (I blame all the new furniture)! Oh and to top it all off I got poison ivy all along my right arm. Yeah….I truly look a mess! And then I got to thinking that thank god I only have four limbs! I can’t imagine being a caterpillar and having to coordinate 16 legs or more! Can you imagine someone as spazzy as me having to coordinate all those limbs?! All I can say is I certainly would never survive the animal world!

1 comment:

  1. I got poison ivy last week too! Just think though, if you were a caterpillar, there wouldn't be much for you to bump into, because everything would be soft and leafy. You'd be okay. :)
