Monday, August 24, 2009

Boston is hot!

What could be more beautiful than Boston in the summer? A city filled with trees and flowers in full bloom. There was ivy covering the brick buildings and sailboats dotting the horizon. It felt like the city of Boston was rejoicing for summer. And I…well I was rejoicing that I remembered to put on deodorant on in the morning. To say Boston was hot last Friday would be an incredible understatement. It was sweltering, and the humidity was ungodly!

I went into the city to meet up with two of my old college roommates: Katie and Lauren. Katie and I seemed to fair a little better with the heat than Lauren. I guess it is because Katie and I both live along the new England coast; so we are used to the humidity smacking our faces and pummeling our bodies.

My trip began in Brighton where I met up with Lauren. The plan was to head towards downtown Boston to meet up with Katie. Poor Lauren, I felt so bad for her. She was so miserable in the heat. When we first stepped outside I honestly expected her to shout out at me, “ Look at what you’ve done!! I’m melting, melting!” However we did manage to make it onto to The T (which thankfully are air conditioned) before Lauren turned into a puddle.

We reluctantly got off the T and headed straight to the Boston Common where the frog pond was. The frog pond was this little water park where you could dip your feet in the water. We chilled there for a while as Lauren tried to regain some consciousness. Katie joined up with us and took us off to the Haymarket. The Haymarket was filled with fruits and vegetables galore! It was fun and incredibly chaotic. There were so many smells, colors and tons of people everywhere. It was fun to watch Katie bopping along talking to the merchants, smelling the fruit and buying eggplants because they were just so cute. Loaded with all sorts of vegetables and fruits we headed off to grab some dinner.

Dinner was not a thought out process. We simply headed to the first pizza place that had ac! I tried to save room for dessert but the pizza was just too good. After filling up our stomachs, we decided to stop in a bakery to get some goodies for later. You knew the cookies were right out of the oven because it was sweltering in there! It literally felt like you were walking into their oven. I must say that the heat stroke was definitely worth it! We then walked along the water towards the esplanade where once again our feet found their way into the water. Finally the sun went down and it began to cool off. The esplanade had a free movie in the park. They played the new Indiana Jones movie which was great! What could be better than Harrison Ford on the big screen and chomping down some fresh baked goods! The movie was great even though it was about aliens (yes I still can’t get over that part).

Saturday we decided to beat the heat and head on over to the Revere beach. We tanne, swam and just played around! We barely noticed that it was on the chilly side, partly cloudy, and that the ocean smelled worse than dog poop. Okay so that last part was very noticeable but somehow it just made us laugh even more! Side note: I don’t know what was up with the ocean but sometimes ignorance is bliss!

So you are probably wondering where are the pictures of this beautiful Boston with the leafy trees and ivy everywhere. Well, I did remember my camera and I carried it with me everywhere. I just forgot to take pictures! Whoops!

1 comment:

  1. YAY. I love this blog. I'm so glad you were able to make it up here!
