Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Connecticut Yankee

My husband and I have been living in Southeastern Connecticut for about three years now. We live close to Groton (known as the submarine capital of the world), New London (known as the place you stop at before you head to the casinos), and the Casinos (Foxwoods & Mohegan Sun which are actually well known). While my husband and I were still dating, he graduated and moved out to Groton, Connecticut for his first job. We decided to move in together a little while after and I was thrilled with the prospect of moving to Connecticut. Who wouldn’t be?! Connecticut was home to Mark Twain, Katharine Hepburn, Paul Newman, hell even the Barnum & Bailey circus was born in Connecticut! Oh, I envisioned such a lifestyle: the Hamptons, Yale, and beaches galore!

I spent my first day in Connecticut driving around and discovering the “real” Connecticut. Out here the monster truck is the family vehicle, “downtowns” are typically a series of strip malls, and the beautiful waterfront is surrounded by railroad tracks and industrial parks. I drove around stunned for a while. Where were the smart Yale students? Where were the Hamptons? And why oh why weren’t there any circuses around?

After an hour of driving around and not seeing one circus tent, I turned around headed back to our apartment. As I parked in front of my new home I learned the most important Connecticut fact: watch out for the Connecticut seagulls. Since we live close to the ocean there are seagulls everywhere and they aren’t just ordinary seagulls, these are Connecitcut Seagulls. Connecitcut Seagulls are known for their amazing marksmanship. I had been driving around with the windows down and a segull had managed poop INSIDE my car while I was driving. What are the odds?!

After cleaning up my welcome home present, I called my family to tell them about my first day as Conneticut Yankee. They were all quick to inform me that when a bird poops on you it is good luck! Horray! Combined with the sheer improbability of a bird managing to nail the inside of my car could only mean one thing…I was meant to go out and buy a Connecticut lottery ticket! Of course! How could I have been so stupid! This was the obvious conclusion for when fecal matter lands on you or your possessions, you are meant to win the lottery.

Well, sadly I didn’t win the lottery, I guess that Connecticut seagull was trying to tell me something else. However, my husband and I did get married a year ago and having been living in Connecticut ever since. We haven’t bought a monster truck yet, so we still stick out like sore thumbs, but we do love it here. There are many beauties out here, you just have to know where to look. I should also say that the beaches here are definitely worth visiting…just as long as a Connecticut seagull doesn’t make you lucky!

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